Friday, May 18, 2012

Dis-ease, Un-Health and The Ultimate Nexus of Profitability | News ...

Dis-ease, Un-Health and The Ultimate Nexus of Profitability

Posted by NewsNow8 on Thursday, May 17, 2012 ? Leave a Comment?

By Duran Rivera | May 17th 2012

To many readers, this article may seem elementary at first, it may come off preachy, but the intention is two-fold. For one, it?s purpose is to encapsulate the seemingly complex relationship between profit and self-perception. To laser-point its sub-sections to a more graspable, focal manner. Two, for the bare-bones fact that there?s always new readers, which are drawing their focus passed a massive fog of pervasive propaganda. This article is for those who would otherwise have an ambivalent relationship with these websites whose articles impart daunting moral, and personal obligations. I?m using this opportunity to shed some light on the oft-unspoken understandings and shedding some personal light.

Between 1880 and 1930, the campaign to convince consumers of their inadequacy has been on it?s afterburners. The national market spread in size and scope, and urban living became a more predominant experience for the average working citizen. Marketing agencies and firms changed their sales methods to find a way capture the attention of the average newspaper reader. A shift from verbal to visual forms of expression slowly occurred, with a move from an informational sales pitch to a more to subtly convince them that their product can contribute to life in some relevant way. For it to contribute to some degree one must feel either inept, alienated, too short, too fat, too skinny, too eccentric, too smart, too dumb, too normal. Many of these agencies hired psychological consultants, therapists who can help them understand the faculties of the human mind. Ultimately, inadequacy may have become the most profitable concept invented in the 20th century, even more so than war. The singular idea of not feeling beautiful created new industries, genres, mediums.

Here are some statistics on self- perception and its relationship on suicide.

According to a March 15 article on the ScienceDaily medical news website, GSU assistant professor Inas Rashad has determined that adolescent girls who think they are too fat are at increased risk for committing suicide ? even if the girls are actually within the normal, healthy weight range for their age:

  • The researchers analyzed data that had been collected by the Youth Risk Behavioral Surveillance System over an eight-year period beginning in 1999.
  • The researchers found that the belief that they were overweight increased girls? probability of having suicidal thoughts by 5.6 percent, raised the probability of suicide attempts by 3.2 percent, and increased the likelihood that they would injure themselves during a suicide attempt by 0.6 percent.
  • The risk of suicide by adolescent females could potentially add about $280 to $350 million to the costs of adolescent obesity, which includes the direct cost of illnesses and associated health care and indirect costs such as productivity losses, reduced income, and premature mortality.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, from 2000 to 2005, there was a staggering 44 percent increase in minimally invasive cosmetic procedures among males.

Another interesting fact according to

Banking, autos, publishing, retail, manufacturing?the recession has hammered them all. But there is one squishy sector that just keeps on growing: the self-help industry.

Americans spent $11 billion in 2008 on self-improvement books, CDs, seminars, coaching and stress-management programs?13.6% more than they did back in 2005, according to Marketdata Enterprises, an independent Tampa-based research firm that tracks everything from adoption agencies to funeral homes. Latest forecast: 6.2% annual growth through 2012.

A persons grasp on their society has become more elusive. It?s created a divulging path from true progress (collectively, or individually) to a feeding/serving relationship with its environment. The self- concept builds a machine that you are a part of, either as an accomplice or as a unit of energy. The characteristics of this machine and the cogs within which are those persons and collectives is a sadomasochistic merry-go-round even amongst the most ?progressive? colleagues.

The job market causing more and more people to feel inadequate and project unto themselves failures and ineptitude. Many people delve into self- destructive behavior like alcoholism, drug use, deep depression and ultimately suicide. None of which is answered with a pill despite the claims of many drug companies and some doctors.

ultimately, this branches out and is the lifeblood of such industries such as fashion (tens of thousands of suicides), surgical industry, pharmaceutical (millions of deaths a year- and we?re not talking about medical malpractice), gym industry, psychologists and therapist fields. To keep up with the Jone?s which cause credit card debt, housing bubbles, the War- On-Drugs business, alcoholism, prison industrial complex. All these seem so different and unrelated, but many more subjects can be attached, and its profitability relies in many ways in the deep sense within people of something missing. Those feeling, nurtured by these industries. Promoted and subtly bone rattling as if spoken through a blow horn. Projected by advertisements, movies, tv shows, various news media, and more powerfully echoed amongst friends and family members.

If you understand the means and the motive, then you understand what it is you should do to make yourself better prepared to deal with all the messages of suggestion that surround us. Suggestions can more readily? seep into the deepest cores of our consciousness. These values and principles have already effected and shaped our central characteristics. Coherently deconstruct and question that which more obviously an implant of ?profitable behavior?, which were beamed through our eyes and ears from our malleable youth.,-Eating-Disorders-and-your-Teen-63.html


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