When you embark on your health and fitness journey, you will have to take yourself outside your comfort zone. You will have to do things differently to how you?re currently doing them, and try new things. After all, if you keep doing what you?ve always done, then you?ll get the same results as you?ve always got.
Regular Wild Fitness readers will know I?m a big fan of setting challenges to take you out of your comfort zone and kick start a healthy habit and get to know your body better.
This week I challenge you to try one new whole food (single ingredient item) you?ve never had before, and one new exercise you?ve never done before.
New foods you could try:
- Dragonfruit
- Lychees
- Wombok
- Kangaroo meat
- Purple carrots
And for exercise:
- Take a kettlebell class
- Learn how to do handstand push ups
- Orienteering
- Try some parkour moves
- Yoga
Like you, I have my favourite foods and my favourite exercises. But it?s good to try new things. It broadens your knowledge. It builds character. It makes you a better person.
This week I tried purple carrots and did a yoga class.
Now I don?t like purpley foods whose colour might make a mess of things. I also don?t like the idea of holding poses and stretching when I could be lifting super heavy stuff or running sprints until I feel nauseous.
Purple carrots are an ancient variety of carrot, and are packed with antioxidants. When I saw them in the shop, I knew I had to buy one. I practise what I preach ? I do my own challenges. I suggest clients try new foods. I promote taking yourself outside your comfort zone. So I had to do it.
Purple carrots
I steamed the purple carrot with the rest of my usual vegies. I was hoping the purple would make it sweeter than the usual orange, but it had a more subtle flavour than regular carrots. I didn?t love it enough to want to buy more, but I am very glad I tried a new vegetable. I like to do this because you never know when you might find something you really love
When I had the opportunity to do a yoga class for free, I knew I had to do it. I knew it would probably be good for me. I have wanted to do yoga for years now, because I know it would be a good way for my body to rejuvenate from the intense exercise I usually do. But the idea of it just seemed so boring.
I am very inflexible, so I was slightly terrified, but I gave the yoga a go. It was an hour class ? so a little bit long for my attention span. I didn?t feel my muscles were stretched at all, however I did feel relaxed? until I got bored. I will try it again though, and hopefully learn some more poses.
So this week, I want you to try 2 new things ? one new whole food, and one new exercise. They don?t have to be things you?ve always wanted to try. They could turn out to be spectacular failures. They could also turn out to be spectacular winners and your only regret might be not trying them sooner.
So get onto it! What new things are you going to try?
I like writing. I like knowledge. I like sharing my knowledge. $3.50 buys me a coffee, which puts me in a creative writing mood; $5.50 covers the website?s costs for a month. Any donation is most welcome.
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Source: http://wildfitness.com.au/the-new-things-challenge/
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