Sunday, March 24, 2013

Did I marry the right person?

Old Today, 08:29 PM ? #1 (permalink)

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Hi I'm new to this forum but I hope some of you can relate to my situation and provide some insight. I've been married for close to 15 years and we have two children ages 14 and 12.

To give a little background, my past relationships were extremely unhealthy and tumultuous. I didn't have a lot of direction in my youth and only started to get my life on track in my late 20s. When I met my husband I was 34 years old and had given up on relationships. I was finishing up graduate school and focusing on my career. It was the first time in my life that I felt I could really amount to something. Then, a year into our relationship I became pregnant and we decided to get married. I do love my husband and I did when we got married. But I have often wondered if I would have gotten married if it wasn't for the pregnancy. From the beginning of our relationship, I have always had reservations as to whether he was the right person for me. I am ambitious while he is content. I have a desire to be more ?worldly? while he prefers to stay home. I have always been the one to look for new experiences, take risks and, for lack of a better word, grow as a person separate from him. He has built his life around me and doesn?t have a desire for anything else. Throughout our marriage, there are times when I?m completely in love with my husband and feel like my marriage is wonderful and other times when I wish my husband had a life outside of me so that he could bring another dimension to our relationship. He on the other hand is always in love with me and never has doubts. He even says to me that he loves me more than I love him.

We have talked and we?ve even been to counseling but I?ve never been completely honest. I usually end up blaming my hot and cold behavior to mood swings or menopause or stress. It?s not that I don?t want to be honest. It?s because I?m not 100% sure why I feel the way I do and I don?t want to hurt him by saying something I can?t take back. I should note that I am not interested in anyone else and overall my home is a happy and stable environment for my children.

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