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Saturday, February 18, 2012
Got white girl problems? Babe Walker does, too (Reuters)
Friday, February 17, 2012
29 Soundbites On Writing And Publishing | The Creative Penn
by Joanna Penn on February 16, 2012
Sometimes you need to refresh the Muse and deepen your knowledge by learning from professionals.
I am a learning addict and a few weeks ago I went on a Guardian Masterclass on Creative Writing.
The Guardian is a fantastic British newspaper and media company and I have been a dedicated reader for many years. The weekend was taught by some wonderful writers and I learned a great deal.
The notes below are from my diary and are a combination of things people said and my own thoughts. I won?t attribute them specifically as my notes are often re-interpretations of what people say and not direct quotes.
- People over-analyze their reasons for writing. Just write. Stop fretting and get on with it. After a year or two of writing, people generally decide whether they want to be serious about it and commit to a more professional career.
- Most people quite like the idea of writing but most don?t take the risk.
- People ask about the discipline of writing, but it?s not about discipline, it?s about passion. It?s what you love. It?s engagement and obsession.
- A novel is labor intensive. You have to put the hours in and it takes more time than you think.
- The reader is most important. You need to guide them through your material. It?s not therapy.
- The moment you share your work with someone else, it changes your own perspective. It?s important to find the right people to share your work with.
- Create a character that represents a part of you that needs to speak.
- You need a lot of good material for a book. It?s not just in your head, you need to find it. Life is research.
- There are many good ideas, but what is a good idea for you?
- What is in your range as a writer? This changes over time e.g. The Slap ? Christos Tsiolkas is multiple first person viewpoints. It?s a stretch for most people.
- If you bore the reader, you?re dead. There?s no message. It?s entertainment. Readers are demanding. They want a good time. They aren?t reading for you, but for themselves. The book must be more interesting that every day life.
- To make a living out of writing takes a lot of books, over time, consistently. What will you give up for this type of career?
- The publishing industry is deluged in mediocrity. Don?t be one of the masses. It?s boldness you want.
- Without difficulties, the book is nothing. It?s the friction that creates the pearl.
- The book is an X-ray of your psyche at one point in time
- The first draft is awful. It still is for pro-writers. But until you?ve got something to work with, you don?t know what you?re interested in.
- Books love time. They soak it up.
- If you?re a woman writing a man, just write it as a woman and then change the name. We are not so different. People are people. Concentrate on what is shared, rather than what separates.
- ?We do not see things as they are, but as we are.? The Talmud.
- Why do people have to explain before they read their writing. Just read it and we will judge what we hear. Don?t justify. Just read.
- Assume intelligence on the reader?s part. Don?t overstate.
- ?Why write? Why breathe?? Katherine Mansfield
- A reader has a body, so include the whole body in description. Use exact details of all senses.
- Distinguish between plot (how you communicate to the reader) and themes (your own private business). It?s easier to talk about themes, but actually it?s best to tell people about the plot. Theme is nebulous and universal. Plot is specific and (hopefully) unique. The more concrete and rooted the plot is in your pitch, the more likely a publisher will be interested.
- The response of an agent or editor to your writing is instinctual. If they don?t like it, that?s because there isn?t a good fit between you. So move on to another agent. Agents and editors are passionate readers who are always looking for authors who resonate with them.
- To be published these days doesn?t mean you need to have a publisher put a physical book in a physical bookstore.
- With badly written books, it?s obvious that the author doesn?t really read. To improve, you must read. 90% of submissions are poor quality.
- Having a great sentence encapsulating your book will help all the way through the publishing process.
Do any of these statements resonate with you?
Images are my own. Flickr Creative Commons.
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Thursday, February 16, 2012
That $1 bill in your wallet is costing us money
Replacing the dollar bill with a dollar coin could saving the federal government $4.4 billion over 30 years
By Eve Tahmincioglu
Would you mind a couple of $1 coins clanking around in your pocket if it could save the government some money?
The U.S. General Accountability Office released a study Wednesday that found replacing the dollar bill with a dollar coin could saving the federal government $4.4 billion over 30 years.
?With the current budget situation, we felt Congress needs to be aware of all the viable options for gaining financial benefits, and replacing the dollar note with the dollar coin provides such a benefit over the long term," Lorelei St. James, the GAO?s director of physical infrastructure, said on the agency's website.
In the near term, however, the monetary switcheroo would lead to losses. In fact, the GAO found replacing paper dollars with coins would result in a net loss of $531 million in the first 10 years, or an average of $53 million each year.
It?s not the first time such a proposal has been put on the table as a way to save money. Last March, the GAO released a similar report on the benefits of going to a coin, generating a huge outcry of both support and opposition for such a move.
This time around won?t be much different.
In September, a bill called the Currency Optimization, Innovation and National Savings Act, aka COINS, was introduced in the House, calling for a move to the coin. A similar bill was introduced in the Senate late last month.
?We are certain that this White House and this Congress will take a serious look at the huge savings in the COINS Act,? said Jim Kolbe, a former congressman and the honorary chairman of the Dollar Coin Alliance, in a statement. ?We think the introduction of this legislation in the Senate, together with the earlier introduction in the House, is a big step forward toward the passage of this cost-saving, currency modernization legislation.?
On Team Dollar Bill is U.S. Sen. Scott Brown, R-Mass., home state of the company that has been making the dollar note for more than a century, Crane & Co.
Brown was quoted today on the website of The Berkshire Eagle, a Massachusetts newspaper, saying a move to coins is ill advised ?because it's the wrong thing for the American taxpayer and would cost Massachusetts hundreds of jobs."
The GAO didn?t look at the cost to the private sector or any environmental issues that could arise. Instead the agency focused on was the cost of the change over the long haul.
The analysis found: ?The cost of producing a large number of coins necessary for the transition would result in a net loss in six of the first seven years. In the eighth year, and for the remaining two years, this situation is reversed: the interest savings outweigh the production costs and the net benefits would be positive.?
Live Poll
What is your view on the $1 bill?
Keep it! The $1 bill is an essential part of daily financial life.
Get rid of it! I would switch to a $1 coin.
We should switch to a cashless system.
VoteTotal Votes: 6730
By then, many of you might not care whether paper or coins win out because cyber cash could make the debate moot.
According to a November report by ABI Research, ?mobile wallets are coming,? and the number of people paying with their phones will hit 594 million globally in 2016.
Would you be willing to get rid of the paper dollar in order to save the government some money? Share your thoughts on Facebook.?
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[OOC] Random Bits of Thoughts
This forum is for OOC discussion about existing roleplays.
Please post all "Players Wanted" threads in the Roleplayers Wanted forum!
This topic is an Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?Random Bits of Thoughts?. Anything posted here will also show up there.Topic Tags:
Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup."Random Bits of Thoughts"
In the ooc, you can ask each other random questions, rant about anything, talking about a random train of thought, and decide what the topic of the week will be.
For those who are going to join~ Awesome! Happy to work with all of ya~
I tried to productive, but being a fangirl is more entertaining. Plus fangirlism causes insanity. but it got me in trouble...
cass-isnt-here - Member for 2 years
Kudos for coming up with something really interesting/different!!!! xD
I'll have my CS up in a little bit!
I'm a Radical Dame! - Member for 1 years
Okay dokay~ Awesome! Once we get a few characters, we'll start deciding on the every first topic!! ^^
cass-isnt-here - Member for 2 years
I will be joining this! Ill have myself on a sheet by tomorrow some time. =)
Airanea - Member for 1 years
I'll be making a character sheet for this.
It's a really good idea and I'm happy you've made this. I've been looking for somewhere to discuss different beliefs. :)
LuckyNumber24 - Member for 2 years
XD woo~ Two more people joining~ Okay dokay~ Welcome to the wonderful coffee shop-like rp, please make yourself comfortable~ :P *don't ask* XD
cass-isnt-here - Member for 2 years
I'm joining! Of course you know that Cass! :D
Flowergirl275 - Member for 0 years
Of course I do, it's cuz I'm amazing~
cass-isnt-here - Member for 2 years
cass-isnt-here wrote:XD woo~ Two more people joining~ Okay dokay~ Welcome to the wonderful coffee shop-like rp, please make yourself comfortable~ :P *don't ask* XD
Soooooo, will we have coffee , ice cream, and pizza at this coffee-shop!?? Im always! LOL
I'm a Radical Dame! - Member for 1 years
That, my friend, is a brilliant idea! But, I'm not buying any of that :P
Woah....There are a lot of people who joined all of a sudden...O.o Freaky, now why couldn't that have happened to my other rp DX oh well XD
SOO! Topic ideas~ Who has some?
Topic #1____________
cass-isnt-here - Member for 2 years
Here are a few of my ideas, they are very broad because we are just starting off:
1. What is the highest truth?
2. What is evil?
3. Why is life worth living?
cass-isnt-here - Member for 2 years
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GE's Rice sees China growth slowing in 2012 (Reuters)
WASHINGTON (Reuters) ? General Electric Co (GE.N) believes China's economy, a key source of revenue growth for the largest U.S. conglomerate, will slow this year but not substantially below 8 percent, said the executive who runs the company's international operations.
"The growth rate in China is going to be a little bit lower than we thought a year ago. But still a very manageable, healthy if you will, 8 percent," Vice Chairman John Rice said on Wednesday. "If it does drop below 8 percent for a while, that's not the end of the world either."
The world's biggest maker of jet engines and electric turbines still expects to record double-digit revenue growth in the world's second-largest economy this year said Rice, who is based in Hong Kong.
Multinational manufacturers including United Technologies Corp (UTX.N) and 3M Co (MMM.N) have already felt the pinch from Beijing's efforts to dial back the recent torrid pace of growth in China to fend off any risk of the economy overheating.
Last year's wave of popular uprising across the Arab world could serve to stimulate emerging-market spending on infrastructure equipment, as leaders realize the need to keep improving the lives of their populations, Rice said on the sidelines of a GE-sponsored conference on U.S. economic competitiveness.
"Somewhere between 25 and 30 percent of the world's population lacks the basics (of modern technology) and the pressure to follow through on those investments, to create affordable power generation and reasonable health care got more acute last year during the Arab Spring," said Rice, referring to uprisings last year that ousted the leaders of Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen and touched off Syria's unrest. "Countries around the world saw what happened and they're paying attention. In some places the infrastructure investments will be the last things cut in a downturn."
GE makes electric turbines, water-purification systems, medical equipment and other infrastructure equipment that developing nations invest in as they industrialize.
GE believes that Myanmar's diplomatic thaw could represent the opening up of an important new growth market, Rice added.
"It's very interesting. I'm going there in a few weeks," Rice said of the southeast Asian country, which Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visited in December -- the first visit of that kind since 1955. "There are 60 million people in Myanmar. It's an important country, there are natural resources and they are opening up. And we have to be prepared to support them in that process."
The company sees an opportunity to boost its sales of wind and gas turbines in Europe over the next few years as some major nations scale back their reliance on nuclear power in the wake of Japan's nuclear disaster, Rice said. Germany, for instance, last year shut down eight nuclear reactors after the Fukushima incident.
"As they take nuclear offline and need to find a replacement for that, that's going to create opportunities for us in renewables and in natural gas," Rice said.
That growth could come even as Europe grapples with a debt crisis, Rice said.
"Certainly GDP is going to be challenged in Europe for a while, but within that framework we think there's still opportunities to grow," he said.
GE generates about 60 percent of its revenue -- forecast to hit $149.3 billion this year -- outside its home country and about 70 percent of the heavy equipment orders in its backlog come from outside the United States.
The Fairfield, Connecticut-based company has forecast double-digit earnings growth this year, with robust demand from emerging markets, where its revenue was up 25 percent in the fourth quarter, offsetting weakening European demand.
(Reporting By Scott Malone; Editing by Bernard Orr)
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Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Ill. doc gets 4 life terms in Ohio pill mill case (AP)
COLUMBUS, Ohio ? A Chicago doctor who prosecutors say dispensed more of the powerful painkiller oxycodone from 2003 to 2005 than any other physician in the country was sentenced Tuesday to four life terms in the overdose deaths of four patients.
Dr. Paul Volkman made weekly trips from Chicago to three locations in Portsmouth in southern Ohio and one in Chillicothe in central Ohio before federal investigators shut down the operations in 2006, prosecutors said. He was sentenced in federal court in Cincinnati.
"This criminal conduct had devastating consequences to the community Volkman was supposed to serve," Assistant U.S. Attorneys Adam Wright and Tim Oakley said in a court filing ahead of Tuesday's hearing.
"Volkman's actions created and prolonged debilitating addictions; distributed countless drugs to be sold on the street; and took the lives of numerous individuals who died just days after visiting him," they said.
The 64-year-old Volkman fired his attorneys earlier this month and said he acted at all times as a doctor, not a drug dealer.
"The typical drug dealer does not care how much drugs a client buys, how often he buys, or what he does with his drugs," Volkman said in a 28-page handwritten court filing Monday, maintaining that he did all those things and more for his patients.
Volkman was also handed prison terms ranging from 10 to 20 years on 13 other counts related to drug trafficking. He received five years for possessing a weapon while participating in drug trafficking.
He was also convicted of eight other distribution counts that prosecutors said resulted in fatal overdoses but didn't leave enough evidence to convict him of the deaths.
One of the four patients whom Volkman was convicted of killing through an overdose was Steven Hieneman. He died on April 20, 2005, shortly after Volkman prescribed a combination of oxycodone, hydrocodone and other drugs, according to the 2007 indictment against Volkman.
"He was no more than a cash cow to them," his mother, Paula Eastly, said Tuesday after the sentencing. "The week before he died he tried to commit suicide and they knew that, and they still seen him. So that's how money-hungry they were."
Eastly, 59, of Greenup, Ky., said she takes comfort in Volkman's long sentence and the message it will send to other doctors who illegally prescribe pain pills.
"We cannot do anything about the past, but we can do something about the future," she said.
Volkman declined to testify at a lengthy trial last spring that saw 70 government witnesses, including pharmacists, police investigators, clinic employees and patients who received pills from Volkman.
A 2007 indictment alleged Volkman went to work at the Tri-State Health Care and Pain Management clinic in southern Ohio in 2003. The clinic was operated by a mother and daughter who have since pleaded guilty to one count of operating Tri-State as a place whose primary purpose was the illegal distribution of prescription drugs.
Denise Huffman and her daughter, Alice Huffman Ball, testified against Volkman at trial. Beckwith on Tuesday sentenced Denise Huffman to 12 years and eight months in prison. Huffman, 58, also faces three years of supervised release after she serves her time.
Huffman Ball was sentenced last year to five years in prison.
The indictment against Volkman said patients came from hundreds of miles away and were charged $125 to $200 in cash for visits to see a doctor.
Prosecutors said Volkman rarely, if ever, counseled patients on alternate treatments for pain, such as physical therapy, surgery or addiction counseling. Volkman denied the allegations and said he always acted in good faith.
The Drug Enforcement Administration has identified southern Ohio as one of the hardest hit spots in the country for painkiller abuse. Overdose deaths driven by prescription painkiller abuse are now the leading cause of accidental death in Ohio over car crashes.
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Thursday, February 9, 2012
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Congress tries to give president line-item veto (AP)
WASHINGTON ? The Republican-led House is trying Wednesday to give President Barack Obama the line-item veto, a constitutionally questionable power over the purse that has been sought by both Republican and Democratic presidents.
The legislation, expected to pass, allows the president to pick out specific items in spending bills for elimination. Currently, the president must sign or veto spending bills in their entirety.
The president's choices for removal would then have to be approved by Congress.
Congress has made several attempts in the past to enact line-item veto bills, saying that surgical cuts to spending bills are useful both in removing wasteful earmarks and in reducing spending. Most state governors have some kind of line-item veto power.
The House bill, offered by Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wis., and the top Democrat on the committee, Chris Van Hollen of Maryland, stipulates that all savings from eliminated programs would go to deficit reduction. House Republicans have included the bill as part of a package of measures to overhaul the budget process so as to save money.
In 1996, a Republican-controlled Congress succeeded in giving line-item veto authority to another Democratic president, Bill Clinton. He exercised that authority 82 times, and although Congress overrode his veto on 38 instances, the moves saved the government almost $2 billion.
But in 1998, on a 6-3 vote, the Supreme Court ruled that the law was unconstitutional, saying it violated the principle that Congress, and not the executive branch, holds the power of the purse.
Supporters say the bill has been written to meet constitutional standards. They say that while the president can propose items for rescission, or elimination, Congress must then vote on the revised spending package and then the president must sign what is in effect a new bill.
Under the proposal, the president has 45 days within the enactment of a spending bill to send a special message to Congress proposing cuts to any amount of discretionary, or non-entitlement, spending. Legislation to consider the proposed cuts would move quickly to the House and Senate floors for automatic up-or-down votes with no amendments.
The White House, in a statement, said it "strongly supports" passage of the bill, praising it for "helping to eliminate unnecessary spending and discouraging waste." It said the bill was similar to a line-item veto proposal that Obama sent to Congress in May, 2010.
One top Democrat, minority whip Steny Hoyer of Maryland, voiced opposition, saying that while he had supported line-item veto bills in the past, he thought the bill was too restrictive in requiring that money saved from a rescission go to deficit reduction and could not be used to fund other priorities.
The bill, if it passes the House, faces an unclear road ahead in the Senate. Four senators ? Republicans John McCain of Arizona and Dan Coats of Indiana and Democrats Tom Carper of Delaware and Mark Udall of Colorado ? pushed to have a line-item veto provision considered by the supercommittee which last year was unable to come up with a comprehensive plan to reduce the deficit.
But the Senate, traditionally more protective of its constitutional powers, has not always been receptive to the line-item veto idea. In 2007 former Sen. Judd Gregg, R-N.H., picked up 49 votes for a line-item proposal, well short of the 60 needed to break a Democratic-led filibuster.
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Wednesday, February 8, 2012
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Super Bowl draws record 111.3M viewers on NBC
Tom Amendola, of Secaucus, N.J., celebrates a New York Giants win against the New England Patriots in the NFL football Super Bowl with a homemade trophy in Times Square, Sunday, Feb. 5, 2012, in New York. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)
Tom Amendola, of Secaucus, N.J., celebrates a New York Giants win against the New England Patriots in the NFL football Super Bowl with a homemade trophy in Times Square, Sunday, Feb. 5, 2012, in New York. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)
New York Giants fans celebrate the Giants' win over the New England Patriots in the NFL Super Bowl XLVI football game with a homemade trophy in Times Square, Sunday, Feb. 5, 2012, in New York. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)
Madonna performs during halftime of the NFL Super Bowl XLVI football game between the New York Giants and the New England Patriots, Sunday, Feb. 5, 2012, in Indianapolis. (AP Photo/Matt Slocum)
Kerry Harrington, center, and Sara Laporte, right, both of Boston, react while watching the NFL football Super Bowl game between the New York Giants and the New England Patriots on television at a bar in Boston, Sunday, Feb. 5, 2012. The Giants won 21-17. (AP Photo/Michael Dwyer)
NEW YORK (AP) ? For the third consecutive year, the Super Bowl set a record as the most-watched television show in U.S. history.
The Nielsen Co. said Monday that an estimated 111.3 million people watched the New York Giants beat the New England Patriots on Sunday night. That narrowly beat the 111 million who watched Green Bay's win over Pittsburgh last year.
NBC was blessed by a competitive game between two teams that played in one of the Super Bowl's most memorable contests four years ago, with one of them representing the largest media market in the country.
The game wasn't over until Tom Brady's last-second heave into the end zone dropped onto the turf. That play itself had the biggest audience of any play in the game, according to the digital video recorder maker Tivo. Nielsen said 117.7 million people were watching during the last half hour of the game.
The last two Super Bowls, along with the 2010 game between New Orleans and Indianapolis and the finale of "M-A-S-H" in 1983, are the only programs to exceed 100 million viewers in U.S. television history.
Madonna has some bragging rights, too. Her halftime show was seen by an estimated 114 million people ? a higher average than the game itself ? and was the most-watched Super Bowl halftime entertainment show on record, Nielsen said.
"I was rooting for Madonna as much as I was for the Giants," said Tara Maitra, senior vice president of Tivo, which also monitored viewership trends during the game.
The good news continued after the game for NBC, when the heavily-promoted season premiere of "The Voice" kept 37.6 million people in front of the television.
Its fans were disappointed, but Boston had its highest rating ever for an NFL game on Sunday. It was the second highest-rating ever in the New York market, behind only the Giants' first Super Bowl in 1986, Nielsen said.
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Thursday, February 2, 2012
Video: Matthews: Romney?s ridicule of Gingrich will ?reap trouble? for him
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Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Brazil prez: Blogger's travel for Cuba to decide (AP)
HAVANA ? Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff says her country acted properly in granting a visa to a dissident Cuban blogger, but says it's an internal Cuban matter as to whether blogger Yoani Sanchez is allowed to leave the country.
Rousseff says it's not her place to raise human rights concerns during a visit to the island. She met with Cuban President Raul Castro on a trip focused on trade and cooperation.
Rousseff says "he who throws the first stone has a roof made of glass. We in Brazil have ours."
Rousseff spoke Tuesday to Brazilian journalists accompanying her on a tour of Cuba and Haiti. Her comments were reported by state news service Agencia Brasil.
Lack of official permission has prevented Sanchez from making other trips abroad.
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Sky will launch an internet based TV service in the UK in the first half of 2012
Update: Still waiting for Sky Go on Android? The company mentioned during its presentation that the app will finally arrive on Google's platform in February. It will also have new channels, including Sky 1, Sky Living and Sky Arts, plus, of course, the new Sky Sports F1 HD channel. The company is also expanding its broadband reach, with plans to cover a million more homes by June 2013, and add a Sky Broadband Unlimited Fibre option. For 20 a month, it offers 40 megabit download speed with no usage caps based on BT Fibre.
Continue reading Sky will launch an internet based TV service in the UK in the first half of 2012
Sky will launch an internet based TV service in the UK in the first half of 2012 originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 31 Jan 2012 03:05:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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